CrimeStoppers Honolulu on KITV “Island Life Live”
March 28, 2025

Give Aloha at Foodland and Raise Funds for CrimeStoppers
September 01, 2024


CrimeStoppers Honolulu is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program.  This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community.

CrimeStoppers Honolulu, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, needs your kokua now more than ever as reward money paid to tipsters are solely from donations.

As a supporter of CrimeStoppers Honolulu, you understand crime of any kind hurts our neighborhoods, businesses and the foundation of our local culture. CrimeStoppers Honolulu provides a secure means to encourage citizens in the community to volunteer vital information helpful to law enforcement agencies to fight against crime.

It’s easy to do.

Everyone can donate up to $249 to CrimeStoppers Honolulu at checkout in the following ways:

  • Support your favorite Hawaii nonprofit:
    • Donate up to $249 at checkout - Foodland will match a portion of each gift made by enrolled Maika‘i members
  • Support the Give Aloha Matching Gift:
    • Donate 250 Maika‘i points, equivalent to a $5 donation
    • Round up grocery purchase to the nearest dollar
    • Donate spare change
  • Make sure you indicate that you are supporting CrimeStoppers Honolulu #79016

Honolulu CrimeStoppers gala to honor late HPD Chief Lee Donohue
February 24, 2024

Honolulu CrimeStoppers gala to honor late HPD Chief Lee Donohue
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Give Aloha at Foodland to Help Raise Funds for CrimeStoppers
September 01, 2023

CrimeStoppers Honolulu is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program.  This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community.

CrimeStoppers Honolulu, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, needs your kokua now more than ever as reward money paid to tipsters are solely from donations.

As a supporter of CrimeStoppers Honolulu, you understand crime of any kind hurts our neighborhoods, businesses and the foundation of our local culture. CrimeStoppers Honolulu provides a secure means to encourage citizens in the community to volunteer vital information helpful to law enforcement agencies to fight against crime.

It’s easy to do.

Everyone can donate up to $249 to CrimeStoppers Honolulu at checkout in the following ways:

  • Donate 250 Maika‘i points, equivalent to a $5 donation
  • Purchase Give Aloha merchandise designed by Punky Aloha Studio
  • Round up grocery purchase
  • Donate spare change
  • Donate up to $249
  • Make sure you indicate that you are supporting CrimeStoppers Honolulu #79016

Hats Off to CrimeStoppers
April 17, 2023

Mahalo to all of the organizations and individuals who helped make our 2023 gala fundraiser a success!


Crimestoppers' fundraiser dinner coming up in April
February 28, 2023


Give Aloha at Foodland to Help Raise Funds for CrimeStoppers!
September 19, 2022


CrimeStoppers Honolulu is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program.  This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community.

CrimeStoppers Honolulu, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, needs your kokua now more than ever as reward money paid to tipsters are solely from donations.

As a supporter of CrimeStoppers Honolulu, you understand crime of any kind hurts our neighborhoods, businesses and the foundation of our local culture.  CrimeStoppers Honolulu provides a secure means to encourage citizens in the community to volunteer vital information helpful to law enforcement agencies to fight against crime.

How It Works

From September 1-30, customers are invited to make donations of any amount up to $249 to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at any Foodland or Sack N Save store statewide.  Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation.  Individuals must use their own Maika'i membership to make a donation.  Donations made without a Maika'i membership will not be matched.

How to Donate

At checkout, present your Maika'i card (or provide your Maika'i member number) and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to CrimeStoppers Honolulu, code number 79016.  If you do not have a Maika'i card/number, you may request to establish one.  Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total.  You may donate up to $249 per organization; any portion exceeding $249 will not be matched.  The amount you donate, and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt.  Donations must be payable to Foodland or Sack N Save.

Acknowledgement of Your Donation

Donor names will not be released to our organization.  Therefore, if you would like to us to know of your gift, please contact us directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift.  You may ask the cashier for a duplicate receipt to submit to us.

Are These Contributions Tax Deductible?

These contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation(s).

Matching Gift

Matching gifts will be determined at the end of the program.  Our organization will receive 100% of all customer donations given to us, plus each donation made with a Maika'i card, will be partially matched by a gift from Foodland and the Western Union Foundation.


Please contact Foodland at (808) 732-0791 if you have any additional questions.

For more information on CrimeStoppers Honolulu, visit our website at

On behalf of the Board of Directors, MAHALO NUI LOA for your continued support of CrimeStoppers Honolulu.


A Hui Hou Kakou!

Halloween Tips 2021
October 31, 2021


CrimeStoppers Honolulu Fundraiser
September 23, 2021


Give Aloha at Foodland to Help Us Raise Funds!
September 01, 2021



CrimeStoppers Honolulu is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program.  This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community. 


How It Works

From September 1-30, customers are invited to make donations of up to $249 to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at checkout.  Donations are accepted at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout.  Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation.  Individuals must use their own Maika'i number to make a donation.  Donations made without a Maika'i number will not be matched.


How to Donate

At checkout, present your Maika'i card (or provide your number) and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to CRIMESTOPPERS HONOLULU, code number 79016.  If you do not have a Maika'i card/number, you may request to establish one.  Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total.  You may donate up to $249 per organization; any portion exceeding $249 will not be matched.  The amount you donate and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt.  Donations must be payable to Foodland or Sack N Save. 


Acknowledgement of Your Donation

Donor names will not be released to our organization.  Therefore, if you would like to us to know of your gift, please contact us directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift.  You may ask the cashier for a duplicate receipt to submit to us. 


Are These Contributions Tax Deductible?

These contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation(s). 


Matching Gift

Matching gifts will be determined at the end of the program.  Our organization will receive 100% of all customer donations given to us, plus each donation made with a Maika'i card, will be partially matched by a gift from Foodland and the Western Union Foundation.



Please contact Community Relations at Foodland at (808) 732-0791 ext. 7388 if you have any additional questions.


For 40 years, one group has aided police in catching criminals, and solving cold cases
February 27, 2021


CrimeStoppers Honolulu Celebrates 40 Years with a Look Back at Notable Captures
February 02, 2021


HI Now - Mahalo Monday: CrimeStoppers helps to keep Hawaii communities safe
October 26, 2020

On this Mahalo Monday, HI Now wants to say thank you to the police officers who keep our community safe every single day, and these officers do much more than fight crime! With organizations like Crimestoppers, they are empowering everyone from keiki to kupuna to be a part of the solution. HI Now host Kanoe Gibson spoke with Sergeant Chris Kim, the Honolulu coordinator for the division, to learn more.

Give Aloha at Foodland to Help Us Raise Funds
September 01, 2020


CrimeStoppers Honolulu is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program.  This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community. 


How It Works

From September 1-30, customers are invited to make donations of up to $249 to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at checkout.  Donations are accepted at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout.  Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation.  Individuals must use their own Maika'i number to make a donation.  Donations made without a Maika'i number will not be matched.


How to Donate

At checkout, present your Maika'i card (or provide your number) and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to CRIMESTOPPERS HONOLULU, code number 79016.  If you do not have a Maika'i card/number, you may request to establish one.  Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total.  You may donate up to $249 per organization; any portion exceeding $249 will not be matched.  The amount you donate and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt.  Donations must be payable to Foodland or Sack N Save. 


Acknowledgement of Your Donation

Donor names will not be released to our organization.  Therefore, if you would like to us to know of your gift, please contact us directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift.  You may ask the cashier for a duplicate receipt to submit to us. 


Are These Contributions Tax Deductible?

These contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation(s). 


Matching Gift

Matching gifts will be determined at the end of the program.  Our organization will receive 100% of all customer donations given to us, plus each donation made with a Maika'i card, will be partially matched by a gift from Foodland and the Western Union Foundation.



Please contact Community Relations at Foodland at (808) 732-0791 ext. 7388 if you have any additional questions.



(CANCELED) CrimeStoppers Honolulu Denim and Diamonds Gala
April 10, 2020


CrimeStoppers Holiday Shopping Tips
November 26, 2019

CLICK ON THIS LINK ----->>>  Holiday Tips
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2019 CrimeStoppers USA Coordinator of the Year
November 11, 2019

Sergeant Chris Kim is attending the CrimeStoppers USA National Conference in Tempe, Arizona as an attendee and guest speaker. There are approximately 350 CrimeStoppers Organizations across the United States that are a part of CrimeStoppers USA.

At last night’s award banquet, Sergeant Kim was awarded the 2019 CrimeStoppers USA Coordinator of the Year. CrimeStoppers Honolulu was recognized for all it’s achievement on a national level.


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Halloween 2019 Safety Tips
October 28, 2019

Aloha everyone! It’s that time of year again! Halloween is in 4 days! Let’s enjoy it with these safety tips!

1. Always accompany your Keiki when they are trick or treating. Trick or treating is safer with a big group. Make sure your Keiki Is with you at all times.

2. Plan your route. Trick or treat in familiar neighborhoods.

3. Enter homes with a trusting adult.

4. Check your costume. They should be fitted to avoid trips and falls.

5. Always test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before going to bed.

6. Always use the crosswalk. Stay on the sidewalks. Vehicles may not see you because of your costume.

7. Do not eat your candy until an adult checks them. Check your candy carefully. Throw away anything that looks rotten or suspicious.

8. Carry a reflective bag.

9. Carry your cellphone just in case you get lost in the crowd.

10. Bring a flash light or wear glow bracelets or necklaces or carry glow sticks.

#halloween2019 #crimestoppershonolulu #trickortreat #safetytips

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CrimeStoppers 7th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, Hawaii Prince Golf Club
August 29, 2019

>>> Download Golf Tournament Registration and Donation Form <<<


CrimeStoppers share surveillance of recent crimes on an assault, a forgery and a purse snatching
May 08, 2019


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